Ryugu Shrine, in Ibusuki
Ryugu Shrine is located at Nagasaki-bana Cape, the southernmost point of Satsuma
peninsula. Nagasaki-bana Cape is said to be the birthplace of the legend of Urashima
Taro who saved a turtle, it took him to Ryugu-jo (the Palace of the Dragon as a token
of it’s gratitude). Sea turtles come to lay eggs on the beach near this place, and local
people love them as the protective god of the sea.
The new worship hall of the shrine was built in 2011. The name of popular limited
express for sightseeing “Ibusuki-tamate-bako” is associated with the legend of Urashima
Taro. Tamate-bako is a box Otohime gave to Urashima Taro. This shrine is becoming
popular as a power spot of matchmaking and good fortune in love. There are shells in
a big pot. It is said that if you write your wish on a shell and dedicate it, your wish will
be granted.