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Nakamachi Church, in Nagasaki


Nakamachi Church is located near JR Nagasaki Station which was constructed

for Japanese Christians in 1986.

The church was dedicated to the 16 Saints of Nagasaki (St. Thomas and the 15 Martyrs)

in 1988, and the monument honoring them was erected in the premise.

The 16 Saints were martyred in Nagasaki from 1633 to 1637.


The 16 martyrs became Saints in 1987, since 26 Saint.

Dominic Ibáñez de Erquicia Pérez de Lete, Spanish, 1633, Dominican Priest

Antonio Gonzalez, Spanish, 1637, Dominican Priest

Jordan Ansalone, Italian, 1634, Dominican Priest

Luke of the Holy Spirit Alonso Gorda, Spanish, 1633, Dominican Priest

Michael de Aozaraza, Spanish, 1637, Dominican Priest

Guillaume Courtet, French, 1637, Dominican Priest

Jacobo Kyushei Gorōbyōe Tomonaga de Santa María, Japanese, 1633, Dominican Priest

Thomas Rokuzayemon Nishi, Japanese, 1634, Dominican Priest

 Vincent Shiwozuka, Japanese, 1637, Dominican Priest

Francis Shōyemon, Japanese, 1633

Matthew Kohioye, Japanese, 1633

Lorenzo Ruiz, Filipino, 1637

Marina of Omura, Japanese, 1634

Magdalene of Nagasaki, Japanese, 1634

Michael Kurobioye, Japanese, 1633

Lazarus of Kyoto, Japanese, 1637


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