北部は響灘 (玄界灘)、東部は瀬戸内海(周防灘)、筑後地方は有明海に面しています。
福岡県の西部に位置する、九州の行政・経済・交通の中心地で、 人口160万人の政令指定都市。 観光、買物や食文化など様々な楽しみができる場所です。 また九州の旅の出発地でもあります。 |
九州の最北端に位置し、関門海峡を介して本州・山口県を繋がって いる交通の要所です。門司、小倉、若松、八幡、戸畑の5市が合併 してできた人口94万人の政令指定都市。1889年に門司港が日本で 初めて国際貿易港に指定され、1901年に八幡で近代製鉄所が誕生 して以来、日本の産業近代化を牽引してきたまちです。 そして現在は世界の環境をリードする環境未来都市です。 |
福岡市の南東約16キロメートルに位置した人口約7万人の都市です。 約1300年前、九州全体を管轄する「大宰府」という大きな役所が 置かれ、約500年の長い間、その役割を果たしてきたところです。 宇美は太宰府に隣接するまちで、神功皇后が応神天皇を出産されと される宇美八幡宮があります。 |
旧前原市、二丈町と志摩町が合併して誕生した人口9万8千人の 糸島市。玄界灘に面した沿岸一帯は玄海国定公園に指定されており、 白砂青松の松原が広がっています。他にも三大玄武洞とも謳われる 芥屋大門や、日本の渚百選・日本の夕陽百選に選ばれた二見ヶ浦 など多くの景勝地があります。豊かな自然環境のなかで、グルメや 様々な楽しみができる福岡市から一番近い観光・リゾート地です。 |
福岡県の南部、筑後地方の南西部に位置する人口6万4千人の 都市です。市内を掘割が縦横に流れることから水の都と呼ばれ、 筑後地方南西部における商業の中心地であるとともに、鰻料理、 掘割を使った川下り、旧藩主立花氏の別邸「御花」が全国的 にも有名。このほかにも干拓地を中心にい草、有明海で海苔の 養殖なども盛んな都市です。 |
福岡県の中央部に位置し、久留米市とうきは市に隣接する人口 約5万人の都市です。朝倉も東峰村と同様に、2017年の九州北部 豪雨で甚大な被害を受けたところです。筑前の小京都・秋月、 美人の湯として知られる原鶴温泉、230年前から変わらぬ三連水車 による田んぼへの揚水、中村哲医師によるアフガニスタンの 復興支援の灌漑用水モデルとして活用された山田堰などお勧めの 場所です。 |
福岡県の南東部に属し、大分県の日田市と隣接する村で、陶器の 産地である小石原村と農業が主体の宝珠山村が合併して誕生した 人口約2000人の村です。 2017年の九州北部豪雨で甚大な被害を受け、現在も復興に向け 頑張っています。 |
南西部に位置する地方都市で、上陽町、黒木町や星野村等との合併 で人口は約6万5千人です。八女丘陵には岩戸山古墳をはじめ多くの 古墳があります。また手すき和紙・仏壇・提灯などの伝統工芸品や 茶・電照菊・椎茸などの農産物も自慢のひとつです。また古くから 八女では、お茶が暮らし、文化、歴史、伝統の中に深く根付いて います。 |
北九州市と福岡市のほぼ中間に位置、響灘・玄界灘に臨む都市で、 大島・地島・沖ノ島も市域に含まれる人口が約9万7千人です。 世界遺産に登録された、「神宿る島」宗像・沖ノ島と関連遺産群、 その中心が、宗像三女神を祀る辺津宮、中津宮、沖津宮から成る 宗像大社です。 |
響灘と玄界灘の境界部に面する宗像市の人口約700人の有人島で、 宗像市本土側の神湊港から北西に約6.5km、フェリーで25分の場所 に位置しています。世界遺産の宗像大社・中津宮、沖津宮遙拝所が あり、「神守る島」大島です。 |
福岡県の北西部に位置し、福岡市と北九州市のほぼ中間に位置する、 人口約6万5千人の都市です。東部から南部にかけては許斐山・ 本木山・飯盛山などに、北西部は玄界灘に囲まれている、海岸は 玄海国定公園にも指定されており、風光明媚な土地です。 また参道の先にある相島に夕陽が沈み、光り輝く道となる「光の道」 の神社としても知られている宮地嶽神社はお勧めです。 |
「筑豊」という名称は、またがる地域の旧国名である筑前と豊前の 頭文字をとったもので、主に直方・飯塚・田川の3都市から構成 されています。由来は、多くの炭鉱がこの地域にあり、明治時代に 石炭協同組合の名前として使ったのが始まりです。 日本の近代産業の始まりは石炭産業から、全国石炭の半分以上を 掘り出したこともあり、戦前は国内最大の炭鉱地帯で、その歴史 と文化に触れましょう。 |
Short duration tours in Kyushu
This is the model plans for making your customized tour.
Many kind of fascinating tourist destinations are concentrated in northern
part of Kyushu and you can enjoy a short journey from Fukuoka.
For the pleasant travel in accordance with your requirements and preference,
the Private vehicle is used as for transportation.
When you have a plan for traveling Kyushu, please please contact us to send the
request using Enquiry form, please click the link below and write your enquiries.
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We will be delighted create a proposal exclusively for you.
Yanagawa & Dazaifu one-day tour
Explores two popular destinations in Fukuoka-prefecture, Yanagawa and Dazaifu. Yanagawa is the beautiful canal town where the Canal boat cruise and local cuisines can be enjoyed. Dazaifu is the most recommended place to visit in Fukuoka-prefecture where has 1300 years history, featured spot is Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine. |
The second largest city in Kyushu and blessed with spectacular and stunning nature. The city is the Industrial Innovation city greatly contributed to Japan’s Industrial modernization. Kitakyushu offers a lot of sightseeing spots and UNESCO World Heritage of |
2 days Yufuin & Beppu Onsen tour
Exploring the most recommended Onsen resorts Beppu and Yufuin. Two Onsen resorts are located in Oita-prefecture, and have different fascinating features. Oita-prefecture is on the north-eastern area of Kyushu and a representative Onsen resort area in Japan.
The dynamic nature of Aso and Takachiho where is spreading around Mount Aso. Mount Aso is the largest active volcano in Japan, and is among the largest in the world. The present Aso caldera formed as a result of four huge caldera eruptions occurring over a range of 90,000 to 300,000 years ago. |
2 days Kitakyushu tour, enjoy the most dynamic night veiw in the World
3 days Kumamoto, Aso and Takachiho tour
Featured destinations map
9 days Northern & Central Kyushu tour
This is the model itinerary for making your customized tour.
Exploring Northern & Central Kyushu enjoying nature and diversity of culture.
When you have a plan for traveling Kyushu, please please contact us to send the
request using Enquiry form, please click the link below and write your enquiries.
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We will be delighted create a proposal exclusively for you.
Where to visit
Day 1 |
Green tea plantation spreading in Onsen and porcelain town. Green tea producing factory is visited and tea break at tea lounge Chataku. Local speciality is Onsen tofu which is boiled tofu cuisine used Onsen water. |
stay Nagaski |
Day 2 |
The port city of Nagasaki has many tourist places with hidden Japanese historical significance. It was the Gateway to foreign countries during National isolation period and the location of the Hidden Christians. It played a major part in Japan’s industrial modernization and was the site of the Atomic bomb used in WW2. |
stay Nagaski
Day 3 |
The beautiful Castle town located at the foot of Unzen and facing to Ariake Sea. Shimabara Castle is surrounded by a large moat containing lotus lilies, and nearby is the fascinating Samurai street with stone walls and preserved Samurai houses. Known for it’s picturesque Onsen resort located on Shimabara peninsula surrounded by Ariake Sea. It is situated in the Unzen National Park at an altitude of 700m. |
stay Unzen |
Day 4 |
There is one of the Japan’s three great castles, Kumamoto Castle. Shimotori shopping street is one of the largest shopping arcades in Japan where you can enjoy shopping and local cuisines. |
stay Kumamoto
Day 5 |
Aso region possesses the world’s largest Caldera created by 4 periods of explosive volcanic activity in the ancient times. In the Aso Caldera, there are five mountains including Naka-dake mountain which is an active volcano where the crater can be viewed from the top. |
stay Aso
Day 6 |
A beautiful and tranquil Onsen Resort harmonized with nature. Yunotsubo Avenue, Kinrinko lake and Yufuin Floral Village. One of the most famous Onsen resort in Japan, Onsen steam from underground is rising everywhere in Beppu. The exciting experiences is Hell tour. |
stay Beppu |
Day 7 |
Kitakyushu is 2nd largest city in Kyushu and located at the northern tip of Kyushu. The north part of the city faces the coastline and the Kanmon Strait and the south side includes Mt. Sarakura and the Hiraodai Karst plateau. The city blessed with stunning nature. The most dynamic night view in the World can be enjoyed. |
stay Kitakyushu
Day 8 |
The biggest city in Kyushu and is considered the gateway to the country due to it’s close proximity to the Asian mainland. This energetic and bustling city is the center of Kyushu’s politics, economy, culture, fashion and tourism. Enjoy shopping and authentic Japanese cuisines. |
stay Fukuoka
Day 9 | Return to Home |
4) Accommodation
5) Meals
Upon arrival at Fukuoka International Airport you will be greeted our representative. Drive to Ureshino Ureshino is a Onsen resort and is famous for its tea Exploring Terraces of tea fields Tea break at tea lounge Chataku, managed by tea farmer Tea producing factory can be visited Lunch at Ureshino, local cuisine Onsen Yudofu, a boiled tofu Drive to Nagasaki using Nagasaki Expressway. Stay in Nagasaki |
Breakfast at the Hotel Exploring Peace Park where the Atomic Bomb dropped in 1945 Visit Atmic Bomb Museum, Ground Zero and Peace Statue Exploring Dejima the artificial island used as a Dutch trading port and it was only open gateway to Europe during Japan’s National isolation of Edo period from 1641 until 1857 Lunch at China town One of the big three China town in Japan ; recommended dishes are Chanpon and Sara-udon which are local specialities created in Nagasaki Visit Glover Garden Located on Minami-Yamate hill in Nagasaki, Glover Garden has nine Western style buildings including the Glover’s Residence which is also listed on UNESCO World Heritage The Cathedral can be seen on the way to Glover Garden, which is listed on UNESCO World Heritage and is Japan’s oldest Gothic-style Cathedral Go to top of Mount Inasa using the Slope car. Enjoy the night view from Mount Inasa The three Major Night View in Japan and the three Major Night View in the World Stay in Nagasaki |
After breakfast, check out the Hotel in Nagasaki Drive to Shimabara Exploring Shimabara where is a Castle town located mountain foot of Unzen Visit Shimabara Castle it was an almost rectangular flatland castle built in 1625 Lunch, local cuisine Guzoni The cuisine is created during the Shimabara Rebellion of 1637. When Christian were fought under the leader ship of Amakusa Shiro, they brought various ingredients such as rice cake, fishes and vegetables, and made a stew. Drive to Unzen Visit Nita Pass One of the best scenic spot in Unzen; you can get panorama view which encompasses Ariake Sea, Amakusa Island Exploring Unzen jigoku White smoke rising from the ground over a wide area ; this is a striking reminder that Unzen Volcano is still very much alive. Stay in Unzen Dinner at the Hotel |
Day 4 Kumamoto
After breakfast, check out the Hotel in Unzen Drive to Shimabara Port, and then go to Kumamoto Port by a ferry Drive to Kumamoto where is the third largest city in Kyushu Lunch at Sakurano-baba Josaien located at the foot of Kumamoto Castle restaurants offer an opportunity to enjoy Kumamoto’s distinctive food culture, and many shops sell Kumamoto souvenirs as well as items found only at Josaien Visit Kumamoto Castle One of the three great castles and the current castle was built in 1601 by Kiyomasa Kato, a great commander and took 7 years to complete. Exploring Suizenji–koen Park Imitated the beautiful scenery of Japan, is a refined circular garden of Momoyama period style and represents the 53 Stations of the Tokaido Road including Mt. Fuji. Stay in Kumamoto |
Day 5 Aso
After breakfast, check out the Hotel in Kumamoto Drive to Aso and exploring Aso all the day The private railroad offering a very scenic ride from Takamori in the south east of the caldera; lovely and magnificent scenery can be enjoyed Lunch at local restaurant ; enjoy Aso beef and local cuisine Aso dengaku Drive to Aso mountain area using Aso Minami Panorama Line Visit Kusasenri-ga-hama the beautiful prairie of 785,000 square meter in the crater, spreads in northern part of Mount Eboshi that is one of the Aso Five Mountains. the largest active volcano in Japan, its peak is 1592 m above sea level. May not be visited depending on the weather condition. Drive down to North Aso area using Aso Higashi Panorama Line One the best photo spot in Aso; you can see the perfect view of the five peak of Mount Aso. Stay in Aso |
After breakfast and check out the Hotel in Aso Drive to Yufuin Exploring Yufuin ; a beautiful and tranquil Onsen Resort harmonized with nature. Wander about the Yunotshubo Avenue the avenue is started near JR Yufuin Station and connected to Kinrinko lake; there are 70 shops, gift shop, galleries, curiosity item shops and cafes. Visit Yufuin Floral Village and Kinrinko lake Lunch at local restaurant at Yunotsub Avenue Drive to Beppu Mount Tsurumi by the use of the Ropeway 800 metres up Soaring 1375 metres into the sky, and a breathtaking view overlooking Beppu can be enjoyed Drive to Beppu Onsen where is one of the most famous Onsen resort in Japan. Beppu’s most hyped attraction, that are collections of hot springs Visit Umi jigoku and Chinoike jigoku Stay in Beppu |
Day 7 Kitakyushu
After breakfast, check out the Hotel in Beppu Drive to Kitakyushu Exploring Kitakyushu where is the second largest city in Kyushu Visit Kokura Castle One of the most famous land marks in Kitakyushu ; you can feel the scenery of castle town more than 200 years ago Lunch at local restaurant at Kokura. Exploring Mojiko Retro the most enjoyable tourist destination in Kitakyushu and what we wish to proud is that Dr. Albert Einstein awarded Nobel Prize in Physic visited Moji in 1922, and he acclaimed that everything could see were Arts Drive to Higashida where Japan’s modern steel industry was started as Yawata steel Works in 1901 Visit Higashida No.1 Blast Furnace Only the Blast Furnace in the world which preserved as it was. The big signboard at the top of the Blast Furnace displaying “1901” indicates the year in which the Blast Furnace commenced operation. Mount Sarakura night view Go up the summit using the Cable car and Slope car in 10minutes, you can enjoy the most dynamic night view in the World from 622 m sea level Stay in Kitakyushu |
Day 8 Fukuoka
After breakfast, check out the Hotel in Kitakyushu Drive to Fukuoka Stay in Fukuoka |
Day 9 Return to Home
After breakfast, check out Hotel
Drive to Airport
Return to Home
Travelling route
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7 days North-West Kyushu tour
This is the model itinerary for making your customized tour.
Exploring North-West Kyushu enjoying beautiful Japanese scenery
and numerous unique cultures.
When you have a plan for traveling Kyushu, please please contact us to send the
request using Enquiry form, please click the link below and write your enquiries.
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We will be delighted create a proposal exclusively for you.
Where to visit
Day 1 |
Green tea plantation spreading in Onsen and porcelain town. Green tea producing factory is visited and tea break at tea lounge Chataku. Local speciality is Onsen tofu which is boiled tofu cuisine used Onsen water. |
stay Nagasaki |
Day 2 |
Beautiful harbour developed as trading port. There are various tourist places with hidden significant Japanese histories. Gateway to foreign countries during National isolation, Hidden Christian, Japan’s industrial modernization, and Atomic bomb. |
stay Nagasaki |
Day 3 |
The beautiful castle town scenery can be enjoyed, Shimabara Castle surrounded by lotus planted large moat. The gentle Onsen resort situated in the Unzen National Park, at any time of the year the natural scenery is beautiful. The scenery with white steam rising from the ground over a wide area. |
stay Unzen |
Day 4 |
A former castle town facing the Ariake Sea and spreading in the Chikugo plain and beautiful canal town used as Canal boat cruise for sightseeing. |
stay Kitakyushu |
Day 5 |
Located at the northernmost tip of Kyushu and facing to Kanmon Strait. The city blessed with stunning nature. The most dynamic night view in the World can be enjoyed. |
stay Fukuoka
Day 6 |
The biggest city in Kyushu. Enjoy shopping and authentic Japanese cuisines. |
stay Fukuoka |
Day 7 |
Return to Home |
To be quoted as per customer’s condition and requirement below;
4) Accommodation
5) Meals
Upon arrival at Fukuoka International Airport you will be greeted our representative. Drive to Ureshino Ureshino is a Onsen resort and is famous for its tea, Terraces of tea fields sprawling out one after the next is a scene typical of Ureshino. Exploring Terraces of tea fields Tea break at tea lounge Chataku, managed by tea farmer Tea producing factory can be visited Lunch at Ureshino, local cuisine Onsen Yudofu, a boiled tofu Drive to Nagasaki Stay in Nagasaki |
After breakfast Exploring Peace Park where the Atomic Bomb dropped in 1945 Visit Atmic Bomb Museum, Ground Zero and Peace Statue Exploring Dejima The artificial island used as a Dutch trading port and it was only open gateway to Europe during Japan’s National isolation of Edo period from 1641 until 1857 Lunch at China town One of the big three China town in Japan ; recommended dishes are Chanpon and Sara-udon which are local specialities created in Nagasaki. Visit Glover Garden Located on Minami-Yamate hill in Nagasaki, Glover Garden has nine Western style buildings including the Glover’s Residence which is also listed on UNESCO World Heritage The Cathedral can be seen on the way to Glover Garden, which is listed on UNESCO World Heritage and is Japan’s oldest Gothic-style Cathedral Go to top of Mount Inasa using Slope car. Enjoy the night view from Mount Inasa which is chosen the three Major Night View in Japan and the three Major Night View in the World Stay in Nagasaki |
After breakfast, check out the Hotel in Nagasaki Drive to Shimabara Exploring Shimabara where is a Castle town Visit Shimabara Castle It was an almost rectangular flatland castle built in 1625 Lunch, local cuisine Guzoni The cuisine is created during the Shimabara Rebellion of 1637. When Christian were fought under the leader ship of Amakusa Shiro, they brought various ingredients such as rice cake, fishes and vegetables, and made a stew. Drive to Unzen Visit Nita Pass One of the best scenic spot in Unzen; you can get panorama view which encompasses Ariake Sea, Amakusa Island Exploring Unzen jigoku White smoke rising from the ground over a wide area ; this is a striking reminder that Unzen Volcano is still very much alive. Stay in Unzen Dinner at the Hotel |
After breakfast, check out the Hotel in Unzen Drive to Yanagawa Yanagawa is the former castle town located in the Chikugo plain and facing to calm Ariake bay. The feature of the town is canal running all over the town that made more than 3000 years ago to be used for living and agriculture Lunch at local restaurant to enjoy local speciality Eel Cuisine , Yanagawa is the birthplace of Steamed Eel that has more than 300 years history. There are many restaurants which have their long history and each restaurants have been keeping the traditional source and brand value. To board a small boat called the Donkobune and slowly go down the river skillfully maneuvered by a boatman with bamboo pole. Drive to Kitakyushu Kitakyushu is located at the northernmost point of Kyushu on the Kanmon Straits, separating from Honshu, and it is gateway to Kyushu. Stay in Kiyakyushu |
After breakfast, check out the Hotel in Kiyakyushu Exploring Kitakyushu Kitakyushu is the second largest city in Kyushu and the city is the Industrial Innovation city greatly contributed to Japan’s Industrial modernization. Visit Kokura Castle One of the most famous land marks in Kitakyushu ; you can feel the scenery of castle town more than 200 years ago. Exploring Mojiko Retro the most enjoyable tourist destintion in Kitakyushu and what we wish to proud is that Dr. Albert Einstein awardeda Nobel Prize in Physic visited Moji in 1922, and he acclaimed that everything could see were ARTS. Lunch at Mojiko Retro, recommended local cuisine is Yaki curry Exploring Higashida Japan’s modern steel industry was started as Yawata steel Works in 1901. Visit Higashida No.1 Blast Furnace only the Blast Furnace in the world which preserved as it was. Drive to Fukuoka using Kyushu Expressway. Stay in Fukuoka |
Day 7 Return to Home
After breakfast, check out Hotel
Transfer to Airport
Return to Home
Travelling route
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9 days Southern & Central Kyushu tour
This is the model itinerary for making your customized tour.
Exploring Southern & Central Kyushu enjoy subtropical nature.
When you have a plan for traveling Kyushu, please please contact us to send the
request using Enquiry form, please click the link below and write your enquiries.
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We will be delighted create a proposal exclusively for you.
Where to visit
Day 1 |
There is one of the Japan’s three great castles, Kumamoto Castle. Shimotori shopping street is one of the largest shopping arcades in Japan where you can enjoy shopping and local cuisines. The Onsen Resort is most famous for Sand bath place in Japan located at a sand in Kinko bay, where bathers are buried in naturally heated sand. |
Stay Ibusuki |
Day 2 |
To the east the Satsuma peninsula offers spectacular ocean views and this peaceful rural area is know as the “home of the sweet potato”. |
Stay Kogoshima |
Day 3 |
The southern most major city in Kyushu and from here you can see Sakura-jima Island and it’s active volcano from which smoke and steam rise across Kagoshima Bay. The city prospered in the Edo period as a castle and enjoy local cuisines at Tenmonkan. Sakurajima Island is the symbol of Kagoshima and has an active volcano with three peaks. The smoke is rising almost every day from the active volcano Minamidake. |
Stay Kogoshima |
Day 4 |
Miyazaki & Nichinan facing the Pacific Ocean is located in a subtropical region. The landscape is beautiful with it’s combination of sunshine and ocean views. |
Stay Miyazaki |
Day 5 |
Dynamic nature Takachiho Gorge created by volcanic activity of Mount Aso. The V-shaped gorge formed by columnar joins is made by erosion due to water flow of the Gokase river over many years. |
Stay Aso |
Day 6 |
Aso region possesses the world’s largest Caldera created by 4 periods of explosive volcanic activity in the ancient times. In the Aso Caldera, there are five mountains including Naka-dake mountain which is an active volcano where the crater can be viewed from the top. |
Stay Aso
Day 7 |
Yanagawa is a beautiful canal town where with fields of flat land facing the calm Ariake Sea. The area of Yanagawa was created by reclamation of shallow Ariake Sea which has existed since and the canal was constructed for people’s lives and agriculture. Yanagawa was once a Castle town of the Tachibana domain. Features of Yanagawa are the Canal boat cruise and Eel cuisine. |
Stay Fukuoka |
Day 8 |
The biggest city in Kyushu and is considered the gateway to the country due to it’s close proximity to the Asian mainland. This energetic and bustling city is the center of Kyushu’s politics, economy, culture, fashion and tourism. Enjoy shopping and authentic Japanese cuisines. |
Stay Fukuoka
Day 9 |
Return to Home |
4) Accommodation
5) Meals
Upon arrival at Fukuoka International Airport, you will be greeted our representative. Drive to Kumamoto where is the third largest city in Kyushu Lunch at Sakurano-baba Josaien located at the Kumamoto Castle restaurants offer an opportunity to enjoy Kumamoto’s distinctive food culture, and many shops sell Kumamoto souvenirs Visit Kumamoto Castle One of the three great castles and the current castle was built in 1601 by Kiyomasa Kato, a great commander and took 7 years to complete. Drive to Ibusuki in Kagoshima-prefecture using Kyushu Expressway Ibusuki is a Onsen resort represented Kyushu. Enjoy Ibusuki steaming sand baths along Kinko bay beach. Stay in Ibusuki |
Day 2 Satsuma Peninsula
After breakfast, check out the Hotel in Ibusuki Exploring Satsuma peninsula calm countryside extends 50 kilometers south from Kagoshima. Visit Nagasaki-bana cape of the southernmost point of Satsuma peninsula, Ryugu Shrine that Urashima Taro legendary shrine Visit Ikeda-ko lake the largest lake in Kyushu and is known as the legendary monster called Issy was live in Lunch at Tosenkyo ravine, enjoy the unique Somen noodle nagashi serving cold Somen noodle that swim in the revolving container Exploring Chiran where has Peace Museum for Kamikaze Pilots, and Samurai Residences constructed 250 years ago. Drive to Kagoshima using National road along the coast of Kinko bay Stay in Kagoshima |
Breakfast at the Hotel Visit Sengan-en the most famous garden in Kagoshima, made by Shimazu lord in the 19th century at the beautiful bay side Kinko bay. The garden contains Shoko Shuseikan registered on the UNESCO World Heritage Lunch at restaurant, Ohkatei at Sengan-en, enjoy Satsuma local cuisine. Transfer to Sakura-jim Island by Sakura-jima Ferry from Kagoshima port to Sakura-jima port takes 15 minutes Exploring Salura-jima Island where there is active volcano with three peaks, Kita-dake, Naka-dake and still active Minami-dake Visit Sakura-jima, Yunohira Observatory , Arimura Lava Observatory Transfer to Kagoshima by Sakura-jima Ferry Stay in Kagoshima |
Day 4 Nichinan & Miyazaki
After breakfast, check out the Hote in Kagoshima Drive to Nichinan coast Exploring Toi Cape Wild horses are living called Misaki-uma that are the descendants of army horses left grazing and which became wild 300 years ago Driving Nichinan coast enjoying subtropical scenery Visit Udo Shrine Beautiful and exciting shine in the cave of the cliff side facing the Pacific Ocean in legend, a goddess of sea built a hut to give birth to a great god here. Exploring Sun Messe Nichinan Japan’s own replica of Moai Statues can be seen and enjoy a breath taking panoramic view of the Pacific Ocean. Drive to north along Nichinan coast Visit Horikiri Pass one of the best scenic spot in Nichinan ; The 60m altitude pass allows you to look down at a beautiful view of the Pacific Ocean. Stay in Miyazaki |
Day 5 Takachiho
After breakfast, check out the Hote in Miyazaki Drive to Takachiho Takachiho offers dynamic and beautiful Takachiho Gorge Exploring Takachiho Gorge The narrow chasm cut through the rock by the Gokase River. The nearly sheer cliffs lining the gorge are made of slow forming volcanic basalt columns. Takachiho Gorge boat riding that flows down the base of the gorge on a rental boat. The spot you can see waterfalls and the columnar shaped valley together is rare in the world. Visit Amamo Iwato Shrine The birth place of Japanese indigenous religion, Shinto. Takachiho is the site of one of the best known legends of Japanese mythology. Drive to Aso Stay in Aso |
Day 6 Aso
Breakfast at the Hotel Exploring Aso all the day The private railroad offering a very scenic ride from Takamori in the south east of the caldera; lovely and magnificent scenery can be enjoyed Lunch at local restaurant ; enjoy Aso beef and local cuisine Aso dengaku Drive to Aso mountain area using Aso Minami Panorama Line Visit Kusasenri-ga-hama the beautiful prairie of 785,000 square meter in the crater, spreads in northern part of Mount Eboshi that is one of the Aso Five Mountains. the largest active volcano in Japan, its peak is 1592 m above sea level. If weather condition is allow, you can go to Drive down to North Aso area using Aso Higashi Panorama Line enjoying beautiful scenery of Aso mountain area. One the best photo spot in Aso; you can see the perfect view of the five peak of Mount Aso. Stay in Aso |
Day 7 Yanagawa
After breakfast, check out the Hotel in Aso Drive to Yanagasa Yanagawa is the Beautiful Canal town Yanagawa, and is a former Castle town facing the Ariake Sea and spreading in the Chikugo plain Canal boat cruise the most recommended experience, asmall boat slowly go down the river skillfully maneuvered by a boatman with bamboo pole Lunch : to be selected Eel or Sea food Eel Cuisine : Yanagawa is the birthplace of Steamed Eel that has more than 300 years history. Sea food Cuisine : Yanagawa is facing to Ariake Sea where many fresh and unique fishes Drive to Fukuoka Stay in Fukuoka |
Day 8 Fukuoka
Breakfast at the Hotel Free and Easy
Stay in Fukuoka |
Day 9 Return to Home
After breakfast, check out the Hotel
Transfer to Airport
Return to Home
Travelling route
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Karato Fish Market
Karato Fish Market, is a fish market in Shimonoseki establish in 1933, and the blowfish trading volume is Japan’s highest. This market is not only the wholesale market of fresh fishes taken in the sea around Shimonoseki but also the retail market of fishes, marine products and sushi.
You can eat various Sushi with a economical price. Address: 5-50 Karato-machi Shimonoseki Directions: A 5 minute taxi ride from JR Shimonoseki Station |
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Nagasaki UNESCO World Heritage / Industrial Revolution
The origin of Japan’s modernization is here. Under the growing sense of crisis over a foreign
menace, Nagasaki supported the introduction of Western countries technology, which started
during the last years of Japan’s National isolation period. With “ Dejima ” as the only window
to West during the period of National isolation. Nagasaki has contributed to Japan’s modernization
by serving as a place to acquire knowledge from oversea.
Nagasaki contributed for Shipbuilding and Coal Mining and 7 sites have been
registered on the UNESCO World Heritage, Sites of Japan’s Meiji Industrial Revolution.
Located on Minami-Yamate hill in Nagasaki-city, Glover Garden has nine Western style buildings
including the Glover’s Residence built in 1863 by Japanese carpenter Koyama Hidenoshin. The
Glover Residence is Japan’s oldest wooden Western-style building.
Former Pattern Shop / Shipyard History Museum
The Former Pattern Shop was built in 1898 to produce wooden patterns for castings and is the
oldest factory building in the shipyard. It is a two-storied brick building with a timber roof truss.
There is a U-shaped rail on the ceiling to transport materials. The building was refurbished to the
Shipyard History Museum in 1985 and is open to the public.
Giant Cantilever Crane
The Giant Cantilever Crane is the first electric-powered crane of its type in Japan, imported from
Scotland in 1909, which is the oldest surviving one in operation in the world. It can still lift a load
of 150 tons and is used to ship heavy goods.
Hashima Coal Mine / Gunkan-jima island
Hashima coal mining island is an artificial reclaimed island and the site of Japan’s first major
undersea coal exploitation (1890) pioneered by Mitsubishi – and host to one of the world’s
most extraordinary former mining communities. Hashima Island is located 3 km southwest of
Takashima, and it was the success of Takashima that led Mitsubishi to purchase this island – both
islands giving access to the same undersea coal deposit. Now Hashima is a ruin called “Gunkanjima”,
so called after its resemblance to the silhouette of a battleship.
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Japan travel / Tailor-made long duration tours
Kyushu has rich landscapes including Nature and diverse cultures including food cultures. It has a
variety of histories all over Kyushu, and Nature and Urban are harmonized. You can enjoy a lot of
things here in Kyushu what you want to experience.
Exploring throughout Kyushu where is the fascinating destination of Japan like no others. Where to explore are Nagasaki, Shimabara, Unzen, Kumamoto, Ibusuki, Kagoshima, Sakurajima island, Nichinan, Miyazaki, Hyuga, Takachiho, Aso, Yufuin, Beppu, Kitakyushu and Enjoy unforgettable experiences. |
8 days Northern & Central Kyushu tour
Northern and Central Kyushu, many fascinating tourist destinations are concentrated in this area and a lot of Photo spots on the way to main tourist destinations as well. Where to explore are Nagasaki, Shimabara, Unzen, Kumamoto, Kurokawa Onsen, Aso, Yufuin, Beppu, Kitakyushu and Fukuoka. |
Exploring Kagoshima-prefecture and Miyazaki-prefecture where are located in the south-western part of Japan, and has subtropical climate. Where to visit : In Kagoshima-prefecture are Satsuma peninsula, Ibusuki, Kagoshima and Kirishima. In Miyazaki-prefecture are Nichinan, Miyazaki, Hyuga and Takachiho. Finally, exploring Fukuoka enjoy sightseeing and shopping. |
Exploring the 3 prefectures of Saga, Nagasaki and Fukuoka. Those regions are located on the west side of Japan and the trade with oversea countries has been carried out since ancient time. Where to visit are Takeo, Arita and Imari in Saga-prefecture, Nagasaki, Shimabara and Unzen in Nagasaki-prefecture, Yanagawa, Kitakyushu and Fukuoka |
Exploring the 4 prefectures of Kumamoto, Miyazaki, Oita and Fukuoka. Those regions are located central part of Kyushu and spreading around Mount Aso. Dynamic and beautiful nature can be enjoyed. Where to visit are ; Amakusa, Kumamoto, Aso and Kurokawa Onsen in Kumamoto-prefecture, Takachiho in Miyazaki-prefecture, Kuju and Yufuin in Oita-prefecture, and Chikugo region and Fukuoka in |
Exploring the featured places of Oita-prefecture and Fukuoka-prefecture Unforgettable various things can be enjoyed such as beautiful nature, Onsen, local cuisines, fruits picking and Japanese cultures. Where to visit : Okubungo, Yufuin and Beppu in Oita-prefecture, Chikugo, Kitakyushu and Fukuoka in Fukuoka-prefecture. |
Featured destinations map
Red letters indicates Prefecture
Black letters indicates Destinations
Home Tailor-made tours Study tours Christian Pilgrimage tours Golf tour Kyushu tour packages
Former Pattern Shop / Shipyard History Museum
The Former Pattern Shop has been registered on UNESCO World Heritage
as Sites of Japan’s Meiji Industrial Revolution. The Former Pattern Shop was built in
1898 to produce wooden patterns for castings and is the oldest factory building in the
shipyard. It is a two-storied brick building with a timber roof truss. There is a U-shaped
rail on the ceiling to transport materials. The building was refurbished to the Shipyard
History Museum in 1985 and is open to the public.
Location of Nagasaki-city
General information
Address | 1-1 Akunoura-machi, Nagaaki-city, Nagasaki-prefecture |
Access |
15 minutes by a vehicle from JR Nagasaki station |
Open hours | 9:00 to 16:30 advance reservation is required |
Admission fee | JPY 800 |
Days closed | Second Saturday |
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Kitakyushu UNESCO World Heritage / Industrial Revolution
World Heritage, Site of Japan’s Meiji Industrial Revolution. The four sites of Yawata Steel
Works in Kitakyushu area have been inscribed as Iron and Steel Industry. Iron and Steel,
Shipbuilding, and Coal Mining are a grouping of historic sites that played an important part
in the industrialization of Japan in the Bakumatsu and Meiji periods.
History of Industrial Revolution
The buildings of the Imperial Steel Works, Japan at Yawata Works are the surviving components
of Asia’s first successful integrated iron and steel works: the State-run Imperial Steel Works opened
in 1901. It is located in the northernmost part of Fukuoka Prefecture, the north end of Kyushu, 8 km
south of Hibiki-Nada Seashore close to the continent of China. Their present-day setting is still a
working industrial landscape set in the south-eastern section of Yawata Works which, for over a
century, has consistently maintained a leading role in the Japanese steel industry.
Japan’s Steel Industry |
Kawachi Reservoir |
Higashida No.1 Blast Furnace |
World Heritage Sites
First Head Office of the Steel Works
Built in 1899, ahead of production facilities. It is an architectural fusion of Japanese and European
design, a two story red brick building with bilateral symmetry and a central dome set in a Japanese
tile roof.
World leading rails produced in the Steel Works |
First Head Office building
Observation deck of the World Heritage |
Built in 1910 on the east bank of the Onga River. It served, and still serves, to deliver industrial water
to Yawata via an 11.4 km pipeline. This supply is integral to the steel production process and was
necessary to cope with the 1st phase expansion of the Imperial Steel Works.
Onga River |
Onga River Pump Station |
Water piping to the Steel Works |
General information
Address | Higasida, Yahata-higasiku, Kitakyushu-city, Fukuoka-prefecture |
Access |
20 minutes by a vehicle from JR Kokura Station 70 minutes by a vehicle from Fukuoka-city 110 minutes by a vehicle from Beppu |