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Takamori dengaku-mura


Takamori dengaku is a dish created to make the sweet potatoes, which can only be grown

in this region, more delicious and last longer.

As part of Takamori’s culinary culture, it has remained the same since then, with the addition

of some ingredients.What we are particular about is that the condiments in Dengaku miso

are exposed to the sun and contain a lot of minerals that have been absorbed, making it

a dish that not only fills your stomach but also maintains your health by eating it.

We hope you will enjoy Aso with traditional slow food while sitting around the hearth,

coating the ingredients grilled over natural charcoal with miso, and talking with others.


Wasshoi Million Summer Festival


Wasshoi Million Summer Festival is one of the festivals representing Kyushu and  started in 1988

to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the formation of the city and has more than one and half

million spectators every year. 

The festival is held on Komonji dori Avenue in front of Kitakyushu City Government  Office on the
first Saturday and Sunday of August ( August 5 and 6 this year).
On the first day (Saturday),after the opening ceremony parade, festivals representing each of the
old cities assemble to join the parade and excitement grows among all the festival participants and
On the second day (Sunday), the Million Dance is performed around Kokura Castle by one and
half million citizens who come from local companies and town groups,wearing themed festival
costumes. They dance and dance, enlivening and energising the festival.
One of the greatest highlights is the firework display,this spectacular show marks the finale
of the festival.
 ・Venue : Komonji Avenue and Katsuyama Park Kokura kitaku

・Direction : A 15 min. walk from JR Kokura Station

Nagasaki Kunchi


Nagasaki Kunchi is one of big-three festival in Japan, held on October 7 to 9 at Suwa Shrine.

The festival features Chinese dance including Ja-odori (Snake dance), this time dancing all

around the city but especially at Suwa Shrine. History of the Festival, after Christianity was

harshly suppressed in Nagasaki in 1624, a festival was dedicated to Suwa Shrine, the guardian

god of local people. It is believed that Suwa Shrine festival called “Nagasaki Kunchi” and danced

were offered to shrine with cooperated of local people in 1634.

At the outset, dedicated dance were very simple but gradually became colorful. During Eiho Era

(1673-80), a Chinese dance with an exotic flavor offered to the shrine. The Ja-odori or snake dance

was first performed in the Nagasaki Kunchi during period 1789-1800. In 1970, the government

designated the whole of Nagasaki Kunchi dance including Ja-odori as an Important Intangible

Cultural Asset.

Martial art, Karate


Karate is a martial art developed in the Okinawa, Kyushu, and is art of self-defense 
that use no weapons and relies instead on three main techniques; arm strike, 
thrusts and kicks.

A distinction is made between offensive and defensive tourniquets, which 
are modified according to the position of one’s opponent. Today karate 
becomes popularity for self-perfection, for cultural reasons, for self-defense 
and as a sport.

Azaleas at Sensuikyo gorge


Sensuikyo gorge is located at an altitude of approximately 900 m at the northern foot of Mt. Aso.

From there you can see the north side of the caldera and the outer rim of caldera.

At Sensuikyo gorge, approximately 50,000 azaleas called Miyama-kirishima bloom all at once,

painting the area pink.


Kusasenri-ga-hama, in Aso, Kumamoto-prefecture


The beautiful prairie of 785,000 square meter in the crater. Spreads in northern part of

Mt. Eboshi that is one of the Aso five Mountains.

A big pond at its center and grazing horses round about make an idyllic scene.

Visitors can enjoy the various seasons from its vivid green summer to the fantastic silvery

winter, as well as riding horses and strolling around throughout the year.



Onsen experience, in Beppu, Oira-prefecture


Hyotan Onsen is the most popular pubulic bath where is located in Kannawa

district. You can enjoy Onsen experience of various type of Onsen including

the sand bath. 


There are Outdoor bathes, Hyotan bath, Waterfall bath, Steam bath and Sand bath.

You can also enjoy meals at the restaurant; local specialty cuisine Dangojiru, or

food steamed with the steam from hot spring. 

The waters of this Onsen contain sodium chloride which is effective for neuralgia and 

women’s diseases.

Aoi Aso Shrine, in Hitoyosi, Kumamoto-prefecture


Aoi Aso Shrine, located in Kami-Aoi-cho, Hitoyoshi-city, was designated as the first national treasure

in Kumamoto-prefecture by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in 2008,

as “an extremely outstanding Important Cultural Property and one with particularly deep cultural and

historical significance.”

The shine is the oldest extant shrine in the Hitoyoshi-city. It dates from 806 and bears similarities in

layout to the imperial palace of that time in Heiankyo (now Kyoto), which was built in 794.

Most of the current shrine buildings date from 1610 and are a blend of several architectural styles with

some unusual decorative details. 

An iconic symbol of the shrine

The approach to the worship hall passes through the two-story romon gate. The gate is 12 meters high,

with a steeply angled thatch roof. The transoms are decorated with dynamic carvings, including

episodes from a series of Confucian teachings (the Twenty-Four Exemplars of Filial Piety) and a pair

of carved white faces at each of the four corners. The carved faces are the only known carvings of their

kind in Japan and represent the emotions of pleasure, anger, sorrow, and joy.


Shochu brewery in Hitoyoshi, Kumamoto-prefecture


Shochu is a Japanese distilled beverage less than 45% alcohol by volume. 

Typically shochu contains 25% alcohol by volume, which is weaker than whisky or

standard-strength vodka but stronger than wine and sake.

Takahashi Shuzo is a Shochu brewery in Hitoyoshi founded in 1900.

You can sample many kind of Shochu at Takahashi shuzo.


Yamanami Highway


Yamanami Highway is one of the most beautiful driving route in Kyushu from Yufuin to Aso through

Aso Kuju National Park, it is not expressway.

The literal meaning of Yamanami is a series of mountains.

The beautiful scenery can be enjoyed throughout the year.