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Kawachi Reservoir, in Kitakyushu-city


The first-class civil construction heritage, the triggered the registration of World Cultural 

Heritage of Sites of Japan’s Meiji Industrial Revolution 

The Kawachi Reservoir was constructed for the industrial water supply to Yawata

Steel Works. The dam was constructed at the Okura River and upper stream of the

dam was expanded and making the 7milion cubic metre reservoir.

In the construction of the dam, the unprecedented design in the world has been applied in order

to harmonize with nature and to save the construction cost. The stones come out from the mountain

when the river was expanded have been utilized for construction of the dam.

All stones are cut into sizes and shapes by the stone technicians  according to the place of use. 

The large size stone were used at the main construction of the dam and the small size stones 

were used for other places as per size and shape. Construction was started in 1919 and was 

completed in1927 by 900 thousand total number of workers.