International Christian University Study tour in Kitakyushu & Nagasaki
Type of the tour : Study tour
Customer : International Christian University
Participant : 10 person (9 studens and 1 staff)
Schedule : Februay 25 through 27, 2015
Where to visit : Kitakyushu-city and Nagasaki-city
Tour conductor, guide and interpretor ; Masa Kondo, Japan KYUSHU Tourist
Theme of Study Tour
Tour result
Day 1, Feb. 25 Kitakyushu-city
・Kitakyushu Innovation Gallery
・Higashida No.1 Blast Furnace

Day 2, Feb. 26 Kitakyushu-city
・Lunch at Rever Walk
・Nippon Steel / Yawata Works

After dinner, Enjoyed night view from Mt. Inasa called the World’s three great night view

・Peace Park, Atomic bomb Hypocenter, Atomic bomb Museum
Learning of World Peace
・Site of the Martyrdom of the 26 of Saints of Japan and Oura Catholic Church
・Glover Garden

Learning history of Japan’s Industry modernization.
Should you need further information please feel free to contact us.
Your equiry can be sent by selecting the Enquiry Form link below.
You can also contact us by e-mail at
Tel : +81-93-521-8897, Fax : +81-93-521-8898
Address : AIM buiding 6th floor, 3-8-1 Asano, Kokura-kitaku, Kitakyushu-city, Fukuoka-prefecture