Japan KYUSHU Tourist  ジャパン九州ツーリスト株式会社

We are the specialist’s for travel and tours in Kyushu, Japan
warmly welcoming customers from all over the world.


TEL +81 93-521-8897
FAX +81 93-521-8898

How to book

If you would like to book this Tailor-made tour, all you need to do is make an enquiry 

using our  Enquiry Form  or e-mail at info@japan-kyushu-tourist.com


You can also give us a call at +81-93-521-8897


All of our Tailor-made tours are completely flexible, so if you like what you see here but would

like to make a few changes – where it’s to add in destinations, request special experiences,

upgrade accommodation or plan extra nights.


We will make a quotation in accordance with your conditions of your tour.


please don’t hesitate to get in touch and our expert consultants will help you tailor a trip to

suit you.



 - Tailor-made tour