Japan KYUSHU Tourist  ジャパン九州ツーリスト株式会社

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Yunotsubo avenue, in Yufuin, Oita-prefecture

  Main street in Yufuin located at the foot of mount Yufu. The avenue is started near JR Yufuin Station and connected to Kinrinko lake. Through Yunotsubo Avenue, it takes about 30 minutes on foot from JR Yufuin Stat …

Yunotsubo avenue, in Yufuin, Oita-prefec…の続きを読む

Usa shrine, in Oita-prefecture

  Usa shrine is located in Usa, Oita-prefecture. One of the most beautiful Shrine in Japan, the head shrine of Hachiman Shrine that is  composed 44,000 shrines that dedicated to the Hachiman Deity. Emperor Ojin, who …

Usa shrine, in Oita-prefecture…の続きを読む