Munakata Shrine Hetsu-gu, in Munakata
Shinto ShrineMunakata Shrine Hetsu-gu is located in Munakata, Fukuoka-prefecture. The Shrine has been registered on the World Heritage in 2016. The Sacred Island Okinoshiam and Associated site in the Munakata region. Hetsu-gu …
Nakae no Shima / Christian Pilgrimage site
● Christian Pilgrimage sitesNakae no Shima is a Christian Pilgrimage site and is the UNESCO World Heritage site of Hidden Chriatian Sites in the Nagasaki Region. Located two kilometers off the coast of Hirado Island, Nakae no Shima is a smal …
Oura Cathedral, in Nagasaki
● Churches and CathedralsThe Cathedral is one of the significant Christian Pilgrimage site in Japan. Established 1865, this church is officially known as “Oura Cathedral, the Church of 26 Martyrs.” It was built by the French priest Berna …
Causes of the Martyrdom of 26 Saints
● Martyrdom of the 26 Saints of JapanIn 1596, the Spanish ship San Felipe, heading from the Philippines to Mexico, washed ashore on the Tosa-Urato coast due to a typhoon. Shogun Toyotomi Hideyoshi confiscated the ship’s vast cargo. At that time, the …
26 Saints were the first martyrs in Japan
● Martyrdom of the 26 Saints of Japan26 Christians arrested in Kyoto who were consisted of 20 Japanese, 4 Spaniards, 1 Mexican, and 1 Portuguese. They were forced to walk barefoot to Nagasaki for about a month. On February 5, 1597, all 26 Christians …
Unzen jigoku Martyrdom
● Christian Pilgrimage sitesWhen Matsukura Shigemasa became the new federal lord of Shimabara in 1616, many people were Christians. Initially, he acquiesced in Christianity, because he needed people’s cooperation to build Shimabara Castle. H …
Nakamachi Church, in Nagasaki
● Churches and CathedralsNakamachi Church is located near JR Nagasaki Station which was constructed for Japanese Christians in 1986. The church was dedicated to the 16 Saints of Nagasaki (St. Thomas and the 15 Martyrs) in 1988, and the mo …