26 Saints Pilgrimage route on February 02 in 1597
● Martyrdom of the 26 Saints of JapanThey were very tired from walking 58km the day before, so they only walked 5km this day. The route of this day was from Yamamoto to Tokusue, and stay at Tokusu.
Usa Shrine, in Usa
Shinto ShrineUsa Shrine is located in Usa, Oita-prefecture. One of the most beautiful Shrine in Japan, the head shrine of Hachiman Shrine that is composed 44,000 shrines that dedicated to the Hachiman Deity. Emperor Ojin, who …
Ban on Christianity in 1612
● History of Japanese ChristianityThe number of Christians in Japan continued to increase, and reaching 300,000 in 1614. Fearing the ever-increasing number of Christian rebellions, Tokugawa Shogunate finally issued a ban on Christianity in Nagasak …