Unzen jigoku Martyrdom from 1626
● History of Japanese ChristianityWhen Matsukura Shigemasa became the new federal lord of Shimabara in 1616, many people were Christians. Initially, he acquiesced in Christianity, because he needed people’s cooperation to build Shimabara Castle. H …
Hokohara martyrdom place in Omura in 1657
● History of Japanese ChristianityThis is a place related to the Kori-kuzure incident in Omura in 1657 in which a large number of hidden Christians were arrested. As many as 608 Christians were arrested, making it a rare and major incident in the …
Shimabara Rebellion in 1637
● History of Japanese ChristianityThe site is located in Minami-arima in Minami-Shimabara-city and the Battle field of Shimabara Rebellion which was a peasant uprising against bakufu’s persecution of Christians under the leadership of Amakusa Shir …
Atomic bomb in Nagasaki in 1945
Japanese history, Latest informationDisastrous War must not be repeated. The plutonium atomic bomb exploded about 500m over the central monument at 11:02 a.m. on August 9, 1945. The most part of Nagasaki was destroyed, and a tremendous number of li …
Hidden Christian site, Kasuga Village
History of Japanese Christianity, Latest informationKasuga Village and Mount Yasugatake is a Christian Pilgrimage site and is registered on the World Heritage as Hidden Christian Sites in the Nagasaki Region. This idyllic, remote village was refuge to a smal …
Hidden Christians
History of Japanese Christianity, Latest informationOppression against Christians began with the Tokugawa shogunate’s ban on Christianity. The missionaries were expelled to oversea countries, and those who remained secretly in Japan were also captured and mar …
Kurose no Tsuji, martyrdom site of Gaspar Nishi Genka
History of Japanese Christianity, Latest informationThe site where Christian Gaspar Nishi Genka was martyred in 1609, located on Kurose Hill overlooking Nakae no shima between Hirado and Ikitsuki. The tomb facing the sea is called Gaspar-sama and is a revered place …
Saint Filippo de Jesus Church ( Japan 26 Saints Memorial Church )
History of Japanese Christianity, Latest informationThis is a church with Gaudi-style twin tower designed by Kenjiro Imai, built next to the Nishizaka Martyrdom site When there was a plan to build a memorial hall for the 26 Japanese Saints next to Nishiza …
Oyster Barbecue Hut in Itoshima
Japanese cuisine, Latest informationItoshima oyster growing up in the rich nature of mountain and sea Itoshima oyster features mellow and sweet taste. There are many Oyster Barbecue Huts at five fishing harbours. The huts only open during the seaso …
Saint Kolbe Memorial Museum, at Hongouchi Church
History of Japanese Christianity, Latest informationFather Maximilian Kolbe was born in Poland in 1894 and was a priest of the Conventual Order of St. Francis. He had been active in promoting the veneration of the Immaculate Virgin Mary. He came to Japan in 1930 an …