Amakusa Gokyo, built in 1966
Japanese historyAmakusa Gokyo or Amakusa five bridges, is a general term for five bridges which connects from Misumi at the Udo peninsula to the Oyano island, the Nagaura island, Ikejima, Maejima, and Amakusa Kamishima, was buil …
Okinoshiam and Associated site in Munakata registered on World Hetitage in 2017
Japanese historyThe island of Okinoshima is located in the Genkai sea between Japan and Korea, As even landing on the island has been prohibited, the strict taboos have preserved archaeological ritual sites on the island almost …
Hidden Christian sites registered on World Heritage in 2018
● History of Japanese ChristianityHidden Christian sites in Nagasaki regions is registered on UNESCO’s World Heritage in 2018. Japanese Christianity has a long history of continuing faith while coexisting with Japanese traditional religion Shint …
Hidden Christian sites registered on World Heritage in 2018
Japanese historyHidden Christian sites in Nagasaki regions is registered on UNESCO’s World Heritage in 2018. Japanese Christianity has a long history of continuing faith while coexisting with Japanese traditional religion Shint …
Japan’s Meiji Industrial Revolution registered on World Heritage in 2015
Japanese historyJapan’s Meiji Industrial Revolution sites registered on UNESCO World Heritafe in 2015 Iron and Steel, Shipbuilding and Coal Mining are a group of historic sites that played an important part in the industrializati …
Meiji Restoration in 1868
● History of Japanese ChristianityIn 1868, Meiji Restoration, the most important event in Japanese history, which heralded a new era of modernization in Japan. This revolution restored the imperial rule to Japan after more than 250years of Toku …
Ban on Christianity was abolished in 1873
● History of Japanese ChristianityIn 1873, the Meiji government abolished the ban on Christianity. Believers who had been in hiding returned to Catholicism, and churches in various villages were built with a variety of designs that combined Japane …
Religious freedom allowed in Nagasaki in 1858
● History of Japanese ChristianityIn 1858, Tokugawa shogunate concluded treaties of amity and commerce with United States, the Netherlands, Russia, Great Britain, France, and Japan, and allowed religious freedom in the foreign residence area in Na …
Kanmonkyo bridge built in 1973
Japanese historyKanmonkyo bridge is the suspended bridge crossing the Kanmon Straits, a stretch of water separating two of Japan’s four main islands. On the Honshu side of the bridge is Shimonoseki and on the Kyushu side is Kitak …
Karato Fish Market established in 1933
Japanese historyKarato Fish Market, is a fish market in Shimonoseki establish in 1933, and the blowfish trading volume is Japan’s highest. This market is not only the wholesale market of fresh fishes taken in the sea around Shimo …