Oura Cathedral, built in 1865
● History of Japanese ChristianityThe Cathdral was built in 1865 by the French priest Bernard Petitjean of Fier who had been dispatched by the Foreign Missionary Church of Paris to dedicate prayers to the 26 saints martyred on Nishizaka hill. For …
Unzen jigoku Martyrdom, 雲仙地獄殉教
History of Japanese Christianity, Latest informationWhen Matsukura Shigemasa became the new federal lord of Shimabara in 1616, many people were Christians. Initially, he acquiesced in Christianity, because he needed people’s cooperation to build Shimabara Cas …
Sushi, 寿司
Japanese cuisine, Latest informationSushi is a popular Japanese dish consisting mainly of seafood on top of vinegared rice. Sushi has a wide variety of toppings, and you can enjoy sushi according to the season. The freshness of the ingredient …