環境・エコ研修地球温暖化に直面している環境化で、新型コロナウイルスにより社会環境も 大きく変わろうとしています。 このような中で教育課題も多様化してきている今、「新たな修学旅行」として 「北九州市」をお勧めします。 北九州市は九州で一番の学びの宝庫です。 日本の近代製鉄発祥の地、そして多くの産業がこの地で生まれ、日本の産業近代化に大きく 貢献したところです。戦争と共に発展した日本の近代化、原爆の投下の候補地だった小倉、 公 …
外国人向けサービス外国人に九州の旅を楽しんでもためのサービスです。 九州は旅人にとって地上の楽園です。 日本の他の地域にない、1つの島の中に、旅の楽しみ醍醐味である「未知への遭遇」を 演出する様々な種類の観光素材が沢山あるところです。各県や地域の自然が 創りだす風景や生活様式や食文化が、それぞれの地域の魅力を創り出しています。 九州での旅は、各観光地をスポット的に訪問するだけでなく、移動する旅程のなかで 観る景色、訪れるところの地域の文化に …
Low Carbon Sosiety tour in Kitakyushu
Study tours to KyushuKitakyushu-city is promoting the low carbon society in Asia while taking leadership as the Environmental Future City. The new generation technologies and the activities cooperated with Citizen to achieve low carbon soci …
Nagasaki / UNESCO World Heritage one-day tour
Study tours to KyushuThe origin of Japan’s modernization is here. Under the growing sense of crisis over a foreign menace, Nagasaki supported the introduction of Western countries technology, which started during the last years of Jap …
Miyazaki-prefecture travel guide
Kyushu Travel GuideMiyazaki-prefecture is on the eastern coast of the island of Kyushu, surrounded by the Pacific Ocean to the south and east, Oita-prefecture to the north, and Kumamoto-prefecture and Kagoshima–prefecture to t …
Nagasaki-prefecture travel guide
Kyushu Travel GuideNagasaki-prefecture is located north-west side of Kyushu and borders Saga-prefecture on the east, and is otherwise surrounded by Seas. It also includes a large number of islands such as Tsushima and Iki. Most of t …
Kumamoto-prefecture travel guide
Kyushu Travel GuideKumamoto-prefecture is in the center of Kyushu, It is bordered by the Ariake inland sea and the Amakusa archipelago to the west, Fukuoka-prefecture and Oita-prefecture to the north, Miyazaki-prefecture to the east …
Oita-prefcture travel guide
Kyushu Travel GuideOita-prefecture is on the north-eastern section of Kyushu. It is bordered by Miyazaki-prefecture to the south, and Fukuoka-prefecture and Kumamoto–prefecture to the west. The prefecture is a representative O …
Saga-prefecture travel guide
Kyushu Travel GuideSaga-prefecture is located in the northern part of Kyushu and are adjacent to Fukuoka-prefecture in the east and to Nagasaki-prefecture in the west. The north side faces Genkai Quasi-National Park with scenic coas …
Fukuoka-prefecture travel guide
Kyushu Travel GuideFukuoka-prefecture is a prefecture of Japan on Kyushu Island. The capital is Fukuoka-city. It is the ninth most populated prefecture ( 5,111 thousand population) in Japan. Fukuoka is the gateway to the island of K …