Coming-of-Age Day ceremony in Kitakyushu-city
Latest informationComing-of-Age Day Ceremony in Kitakyushu-city is held at Media Dome today. When Japanese people celebrate the coming of age all the youth who have reach the age of twenty in course of the year proceeding it. The local ci …
●スタッフ ブログ今日の昼食は資さんうどん・一枝店。 資さんうどん発祥の店です。メニューはいつもの、肉うどんといなりです。 肉うどんには、とろろ昆布と天かすをトッピング。 2022年1月9日
The unique designed building next to our office
Latest informationThe unique building located near JR Kokura station, next to our office is Kitakyushu International Conference Center Building, designed by Arata Isozaki. Jan. 08, 2022
Oyster Barbecue hut in Kitakyushu
Latest informationThe huts open during the season, from end of October to March or April. Kitakyushu-city is one of the best place to enjoy Oyster barbecue including sea foods. Jan. 07, 2022
Why is Japanese religious orientation eclectic ?
Latest informationJapanese indigenous religion, Shinto, has no founder or written doctrine and places a great emphasis on ancestor and nature worship. Japanese with no strong religious beliefs consider religion as traditional customs hand …
Hatsumode / 初詣
Latest informationHatsumode is a religious customer in Japan on New Year’s Day. The first visit of the year to a shrine or temple at New Year’s. Worshippers often visit noted shrines or temples on New Year’s Eve or first of January to pra …
●スタッフ ブログ謹賀新年 昨年中は色々お世話になりありがとうございました 本年も皆様に楽しんで頂けるサービスを提供して まいりますので、どうぞよろしくお願い申し上げます 2022年1月1日 ジャパン九州ツーリスト株式会社 代表取締役 近藤 政一
Nature in Kyushu
Japan, Kyushu Travel GuideKyushu has rich landscapes including nature and diverse cultures including food cultures. And also, Kyushu is known as ‘Onsen island’ and there are many Onsen resorts to stop into while you’re travelling around. & …
Japan travel / Tailor-made long duration tours
NEWSKyushu has rich landscapes including Nature and diverse cultures including food cultures. It has a variety of histories all over Kyushu, and Nature and Urban are harmonized. You can enjoy a lot of things here in K …