環境・エコツアー 長行校区 柳川
●スタッフ ブログ柳川の水環境を学ぶエコツアーを実施しました。 行程 長行出発→八幡泊地→水の資料館→柳川川下り→夜明茶屋で昼食(有明海の海鮮料理) →柳川散策→柳川酒造→道の駅みやま→長行解散 2022年1月21日
環境・エコツアー 中島校区 北九州市内
●スタッフ ブログ北九州市内環境を学ぶエコツアーを実施しました。 中島小学校前出発 → 響灘ビオトープ → 軍艦防波堤 響灘風力発電 → 牡蠣小屋で昼食 → 皿倉山 → 中島小学校前解散 2022年1月20日
環境・エコツアー 大里南校区 朝倉・うきは
●スタッフ ブログSDGsを学ぶ朝倉&うきはのツアーを実施しました。 訪問場所:山田堰、朝倉三連水車、藤井養蜂場、白花綜で昼食、にじの耳納の里 紅乙女酒造 2022年1月18日
Shinto shrine
Latest informationThere are over eighty thousand Shinto shrines in Japan, and they represent the oldest architectural style in the country. Shinto is a religion unique to Japan. Respect for land and nature is its basic premise. Usually th …
Japanese religions
JapanWhy is Japanese religious orientation eclectic? Japanese indigenous religion, Shinto, has no founder or written doctrine and places a great emphasis on ancestor and nature worship. Japanese with no strong religious belie …
Japanese Castle
JapanLong ago Japan was divided into many small provinces. The lords of each province fought to take each other’s territory. Castles were built by the lords to show off their power and control their provinces. They were both …
Onsen Resorts
JapanIn Japan, Onsen are the country’s hot springs and the bathing facilities and traditional inns around them. Most Japanese love bathing in Onsen (hot springs), and many believe that the water can cure certain ailme …
Latest informationIn Japan, Onsen are the country’s hot springs and the bathing facilities and traditional inns around them. Most Japanese love bathing in Onsen (hot springs), and many believe that the water can cure certain ailme …
Hidden Christian in Japan
Latest informationHidden Christian refers to the Christian believers who adhered to the Christian faith in secret during the period of prohibition of Christianity in Edo period ( 1603-1868). Many Christians were forced to apostatize to av …