Blue Wing Moji
Kitakyushu travel guideHOME This bridge, made in 2003, is the only pedestrian draw bridge in Ja …
Takasaki mountain animal park
Beppu travel guideHOME An altitude of 625m located in the boundary line of Oita-city and B …
Tanga Market
Kitakyushu travel guideHOME Typical Japanese market, known as “the kitchen” in Kitakyushu-city. …
Kirishima Shrine
Kirishima travel guideHOME One of the most beautiful shrine in Kyushu, and is surrounded by fores …
Kirishiama Onsen
Kirishima travel guideHOME Located on the lower slopes of the Kirishima Mountain with a distant …
Kanmonkyo bridge
Kitakyushu travel guideHOME Kanmonkyo Bridge is the suspended bridge crossing the Kanmon Straits, a …
Nakatsu & Yabakei travel guide
Oita-prefectureNakatsu is a small city on the north coast of Oita-prefecture, just east of its border with Fukuoka-prefecture. During the Edo Period of Japanese history, Nakatsu was a mid-sized domain, and the town itself has re …