Day 3 Shimabara & Amakusa
Nagasaki Christian Pilgrimage tourNagasaki Pilgrimage 6 days tour Shimabara is located in the foot of Mount Unzen and facing Ariake Sea, and thos …
Day 2 Nagasaki & Unzen
Nagasaki Christian Pilgrimage tourNagasaki Pilgrimage 6 days tour In Nagasaki,Atomic bombexploded at 11:02 a.m. on August 9, 1945. The most part of Na …
Day 1 Sotome & Nagasaki
Nagasaki Christian Pilgrimage tourNagasaki Pilgrimage 6 days tour Sotome is a rural, coastal area on the peninsula north of central Nagasaki. During the ban on …
Day 3 Shimabara & Amakusa
Nagasaki Christian Pilgrimage tourNagasaki Pilgrimage 6 days tour Itinerary Exploring Shimabara Shimabara Castle Samurai Houses & Samurai st …
Day 3 Shimabara
Nagasaki Christian Pilgrimage tourNagasaki Pilgrimage 3 days tour Shimabara is located in the foot of Mount Unzen and facing Ariake Sea, and those …
Day 2 Nagasaki & Unzen
Nagasaki Christian Pilgrimage tourNagasaki Pilgrimage 3 days tour In Nagasaki,Atomic bombexploded at 11:02 a.m. on August 9, 1945. The most part of Na …
Day 1 Sotome & Nagasaki
Nagasaki Christian Pilgrimage tourNagasaki Pilgrimage 3 days tour Sotome is a rural, coastal area on the peninsula north of central Nagasaki. During the ban on …
Authentic Japanese restaurant, Shirakabe
Latest informationThe restaurant Shirakabe in Ukiha is in the former merchant’s building constructed in 1928. The chef who makes that cuisines also has experienced the imperial family’s cook, Japanese cuisines using best local ingredients …
環境エコツアー 東戸畑校区
●環境エコツアー実施例, ●スタッフ ブログ久しぶりに環境エコツアーを実施しました。 東峰村、中村哲先生のアフガニスタンの用水路のモデルとなった山田堰、そして三連水車。 食事は吉井町の白花綜。 2021年10月12日
Kyushu Travel Guide
Latest informationWe have prepared tourist information shown on this site based on our own investigations by visiting each destinations, tourist attractions, restaurants, shops, facilities and other places. For more information, please cl …