●環境エコツアー実施例, ツアー実施例桜丘校区環境衛生協会のエコツアーを実施しました。 ・ツアータイプ:環境エコツアー ・日程 2018年 12月2日(日)、3日(月)1泊2日 ・行先 : 宇佐、臼杵、九重 ・参加者 22名 ・エコツアーの企画・実行 ジャパン九州ツーリスト㈱ エコツアーガイド:近藤 政一 行 程 12月2日(日) 8:30 桜丘 出発 曽根干潟(エコスポット①) 苅田北九州空港IC→東九州自動車 …
Water Plaza
Blog, Study tour in Kitakyushu, Study tours to KyushuThe Plant making fresh water from sea water and sewage water established in 2011. The desalination process and technology can be leared. General information Address 96-1 Nishiminato-machi, …
Kyushu Electric Power / Geothermal power plant
Blog, Study tour in Kitakyushu, Study tours to KyushuPower generation Kyushu Electric Power / Hachobaru Geothermal plant Japan’s largest thermal power plant utilized Geothermal. Geothermal power generation is a method of generating electricity by turni …
World Peace learning
Blog, Nagasaki travel guide, Study tours to KyushuDisastrous War must not be repeated The plutonium atomic bomb exploded about 500m over the central monument at 11:02 a.m. on August 9, 1945. The most part of Nagasaki was destroyed, and a tremendous number …
Company inspection tour in Kyushu
KAIZEN is one of the most important key word for Japan’s modernization and world leading industries. KAIZEN is the Japanese word for “improvement”. In business, KAIZEN refers to activities that continuously …
Expriences in Kitakyushu
Kitakyushu travel guideUnder Construction Japanese Cultural experiences Time to enjoy dressing in kimono tea ceremony experience, and Rickshaw riding experience at Kokura Castle Garden and Kokura Castle.
Manufacturing company visit in Kitakyushu-city
The city of Kitakyushu is the birthplace of the modern Japanese steel industry which began operation in 1901, and is now the world’s leading environmental future city after overcoming serious environmental polluti …
Environmental Business in Kitakyushu-city
Blog, Kitakyushu travel guide, Study tours to KyushuThe city is the world’s leading environmental future city after overcoming serious environmental pollution while it contributed greatly to Japan’s industrial development. Now it is called industrial and environmen …
Takeo & Arita & Imari
Japan tours to Kyushu, Kyushu Travel GuideTakeo The Onsen resort, has 1200 years history Takeo is located in the western part of Saga-prefecture. The hot spring temperature is 18 to 52 degrees. Spring quality is smooth with alkaline simple hot spri …
Munakata Taisha Shrine Hetsu-miya
Munakata & Fukutsu travel guide, UNESCO World HeritageTorii Gate Stone Lantern Pond at the approach Chozysha, pureification place Main Gate Imperial Chrysanthemum pattern Main Shrine of Hetsu-miya Main Shrine of Hetsu-miya Deities in Hets …